Swiss chard, a member of the beet family, has bumpy, dark-green leaves and white or red stalks and veins. We use green chard with white stems in this recipe since the bright red stems often bleed their...
Our take on a classic starts with an English muffin, because bagels shouldn't get to have all the fun! This version with melty mozzarella and tomato sauce makes for a perfect afternoon snack for little...
Try this easy plant-based main that will give a whole new meaning to burger night and is also just right for a casual Meatless Monday dinner. Egg, panko, and cooked white rice work together to bind chickpeas...
The key to success with this recipe is to look for deep-green artichokes that are heavy for their size with tightly shut leaves; artichokes are best cooked the same day they're bought. This recipe makes...
The batter for these cloudlike fritters is flecked with lemon zest for a flavor that's subtle rather than sharp. A side of cool, satiny lemon curd for dipping reinforces the citrus theme -- and almost...
A light souffle is spread with amixture of nutritious spinach, ricotta, and onions, then rolled to form spirals,and baked again. It can be served with Tomato-Pepper Sauce.
Eating more plant-based meals just got easier, and even healthier. This falafel-inspired pita sandwich gets its crunch from chickpeas that are roasted, not fried. A bright, zippy lime-jalapeño yogurt...
Khaliyat an-anhel means "beehive" in Arabic and lends its name to this impressive-looking dessert. Once baked, the fluffy buns nestled tightly in the pan resemble bee's honeycomb.
These heavenly little dumplings are as light as a cloud, have a touch of earthy sweetness, and fit the bill for a quintessential fall-season meal. After making the four-ingredient gnocchi dough, they're...
Here, the classic white pie goes green in the most delicious way: charred broccoli florets and paper-thin slices of lemon meld with sharp gouda and nutty Parmesan cheeses to make this gourmet-level pizza...
Martha warms a minced black truffle in butter sauce to bring out its earthy aroma, then tosses it with angel-hair pasta for an easy and elegant main dish or appetizer.
The filling and the dipping sauce for these traditional dumplings vary throughout the Himalayas; this recipe calls for a vegetarian filling with potato and cabbage and a spicy sauce of tomatoes, ginger,...
Seasonal fruit, such as plump blueberries or Italian plums, makes the dumplings lighter. We added nutmeg to the sour cream for a hint of spice. Small apricots can also be used. For a step-by-step guide,...
Round out your holiday menu with this striking side. These slow-roasted red onions are stuffed with a breadcrumb-parsley filling that is basted with the sweet onion as it cooks. They make a great compliment...
In the November 1996 issue of Living, we baked mini frittatas in muffin tins. Now we're cutting to the chase (and making post-party cleanup easier) by cooking up a singular masterpiece and slicing it into...
Potato gnocchi are simple to make from scratch, but light-as-air results require a few secrets: use russets for a floury (not waxy) texture, then bake the spuds instead of boiling them. For even more fluff,...
A colorful mix of grilled vegetables-bell peppers, onion, and Broccolini-is packed into a hoagie that gets a toasty crust on the grill but stays pillowy-soft in the center. Provolone, the perfect melting...
Whether you make muffins that brim with berries or plain ones that are just an excuse for mountains of streusel topping, they take no more time than whipping up a stack of pancakes.
Leek and Potato Soup is a number one classic in our house, but for something different try it with what I call the perennial pumpkin - butternut squash. In the autumn I make the same recipe with the traditional...
The long, slow cooking of red onions and balsamic vinegar gives a lovely sweet, concentrated caramel consistency. These are then spooned into crisp cheese pastry cases and topped with melted goats' cheese...